All posts by admin

Frankenstein transfer box part 2

image imageOk, so the transfer box is out of the old landrover range rover v8.  Gets the ratio down to 1.003 and should give me 60mph at 3000rpm.  Only thing is it need to be controlled by discovery 2 linkages.  So here we see bits from rangie v8,  disco 1 and disco 2.  With an extra notch drilled into the disco 2 control arm it all fits back together and works.  Yea (2420)


New gearbox arrives

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Feeling flush I bought a new zf4hp22 from ashcroft transmissions.  One problem with the 300dti drive train is it’s long.  This new auto box incorporates a rear end from a v8 gearbox which is 40mm shorter.  It all helps (1935)


Building the new drive train


Invested in a 1995 landrover discovery auto.  Ripped the drive train out and scrapped the rest.

the 300tdi engine had a blown head gasket so it’s been taken all the way back to block.  Checked and then completely rebuilt.  And painted ford red.  Awesome engine porn (2373)
