Category Archives: Uncategorized

Volvo c304 electronic parking brake

One of the side effects of transforming the cab has been a lack of space to house a parking brake lever.  So looking about I’ve found an electronic one from a jag xf.  I’ve cut the end off the cable and swaged on a stainless mini fork.

Couple of brackets later and job done



Tested using a few fuses and it looks like 7.5v is  the magic number.  Now off looking for 12v auto reset circuit breaker





C303 Front brake overhaul

Having not dealt with drum brakes before this is all a bit new but how hard can it be?



2 of 3/8 -24UNF bolts in the drum pull it off.  would have been good to slack of the pads first, but it works anyway.

Managed to lift the pads out off the cylinders which allowed me to get at  the smaller springs that go from pad to pad.  Recording here they go back in the middle hole.  With those off the larger springs become accessible, those that go from the hub to the pad.  Got them off too

Does anyone know what the breather pipe is for?  Seems pointless.


small pipe below the brake adjuster bolt
small pipe below the brake adjuster bolt

Now a quick wash




Cleaned up, painted and 2 new brake cylinders installed
Cleaned up, painted and 2 new brake cylinders installed
Pads on.  The book only has the main spring, I had a second spring per pad.  Are they needed.  Hope not
Pads on. The book only has the main spring, I had a second spring per pad. Are they needed. Hope not
Brake drum gets a coat of copper grease on the rim.
Brake drum gets a coat of copper grease on the rim.

Brake drum on. Finished
Brake drum on. Finished


Superwinch H14W

I managed to buy a full Hydraulic Superwinch H14W solution second hand from a utilities Landrover Defender.

I’ve started to refurbish it

Undo the tie bars and turn on its end.  Then the non drive bit just pulls off
Undo the tie bars and turn on its end. Then the non drive bit just pulls off


Pry bar goes in and removes the seal.  More plastic than rubber
Pry bar goes in and removes the seal. More plastic than rubber

For some reason the outside seal has a 1.5″ gap in it.  I have ordered new ones for both sides

If you turn the dog sideways you can pull it out
If you turn the dog sideways you can pull it out
Just like that.  In the picture you can see what looks like a grub screw in the fork.  It's not it's a sprung bar and you can drift it out.  Once done put a pry bar on the handle and pull out.  the black plug on the opposite side of the handle is just that and needs to be pushed out when the handle is out from the opposite side.  You can't use it to push the handle out
Just like that. In the picture you can see what looks like a grub screw in the fork. It’s not it’s a sprung bar and you can drift it out. Once done put a pry bar on the handle and pull out. the black plug on the opposite side of the handle is just that and needs to be pushed out when the handle is out from the opposite side. You can’t use it to push the handle out
Needed to use boiling water to soften the new v seals up
Needed to use boiling water to soften the new v seals up
2 new v seals installed either side  of the winch
2 new v seals installed either side of the winch
cleaned off the pressure relief valve and installed the brakes
cleaned off the pressure relief valve and installed the brakes
installed the drum.  then the spacer and c clip
installed the drum. then the spacer and c clip

getting the top on the winch was a faf.  the sprocket kept falling out.  tip.  use the engage/free lever to pin the sprocket in the place you want and hold it tight as you install.  also got a new tie bar.  the hause will be going off to be anodised.
getting the top on the winch was a faf. the sprocket kept falling out. tip. use the engage/free lever to pin the sprocket in the place you want and hold it tight as you install. also got a new tie bar. the hause will be going off to be anodised.
