
Amazing what can be done with a pipe bender
Amazing what can be done with a pipe bender
Roof top extension and air con – nice




8 thoughts on “Inspiration”

  1. Hi there,
    Very interested in what you are doing with the c304. Where abouts are you located. I am in Australia.... as far as I know, there are only 2 c304's here. I would dearly love to get my hands on one to convert for travelling. Where are you at with your build at the moment? What are your future plans? Would love to have a bit of a chat about what you intend to do.

    1. Hi Paul. Chatting might not be so easy as I'm half way round the world from you in England

      Glad you are enjoying the build. I'm currently very frustrated as trying to restore the body is not going well as I keep just blowing holes in the thin metal. Think it's a job for a pro



      1. Hi Steve what sized tyres are on your "C304/6 Breadbox" have you considered changing the Diff ratios for better highway top speed?

        1. Hi Jon. The tyres are standard military spec right now. But considering it's mostly just a frame I've not really thought about what tyres. I like the cooper stt's on my landrover. I did consider changing the diff ratios. It been done by one of your countrymen but driving the thing at 60mph requires new underpants every 5 miles so I'm not that bothered. I have calculated 60mph at 3000rpm on my proposed set up so I'll be ok



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Volvo c304