I’ve a few different sub projects on the go right now, not finishing any of them, but hey ho.
this one will document the swapping of the cv boot.
the axle is off the truck so access is easy. I made an axle trolley by welding a couple of cheap bottle jack onto my broken engine crane stand.
trying to remove the bump stop plate was a pain. As always 2 of the 3 fixings came out but there is always 1 that won’t. That one had to be drilled out and re tapped. Not sure what it was to start with, but now it’s m6
next i have made a wheel carrier using some scrap iron and my engine stand. then ran out of time.

2 guide pins created out of 1/2″ UNC bolts inserted

Wheel carrier removed
CV boot teased out with a pry bar

any clue what this is? looks like grease and mud
I’m guessing this should not be here. Any clues how to clean this up?
Wiped out as much as i could then injected some new oil in to wash the rest off. I was a bit worried that the inside of the hub would be coated in this moose, but draining the oil showed it was ok.
Fitting the new boot was a fiddle. as i pushed one side in the other came out. Ended up cutting a 10cm section of 4″ pipe and using that, with a hammer to push it in

It proved not to want to go back in. problem was that the splines in the half shaft did not quite line up in the diff. quick fiddle with the diff flange and straight in.
The book said to put some sealant in this joint but there was non in there before so I have not. time will tell
bolts tightened up to 110nm
oil filled up, done. Make sure the shaft end of the boot is a nice fit in the joint. I had 2 goes

Are you planning on replacing the CV boot while you are in there?
If not - just give it a good cleaning. Hard to say what the crud was - could be just old grease. Mix some of it with gasoline in a container and see what is left at the bottom. Grease will completely dissolve - dirt will precipitate out to the bottom. good for seeing if it was metal too - try a magnet on the remains.
Thanks - the breather was blocked and I'm pretty sure the hub was pressurised. I'm thinking it's a mix of water mud and oil. I've mopped up what I can. Was thinking of spraying some degreasant in there. Is there any reason I would not do that?